[openstack-dev] [nova][heat][[keystone] RFC: introducing "request identification"

haruka tanizawa harubelle at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 09:05:36 UTC 2013

Hi, all!!
I've just summarized mail until now.

How to implement "request identification" ?
1. Enable user to provide his/her own "request identification" within API
   e.g) Using instance-tasks-api
2. Use correlation_id in oslo as "request identification".
3. Enable keystone to generate "request identification" (we can call it
'request-token', for example).
   Like Keystone identifies 'User'.

There are already these blueprints.
* cross-service-request-id
* delegation-workplans
* instance-tasks-api

My conclusion
However, the following opinions also have failed to resolve the problem
what I want to solve.
1. Cross component
2. User can know before user put request API
3. User can see how their create request is going

* cross-service-request-id
-> Lack of point of 'User can know before user put request API'.
-> Or is something missing? Any plan?
* delegation-workplans
-> Lack of point of 'User can see how their create request is going'.
-> Does it return state of 'requests'?
* instance-tasks-api
-> Lack of point of 'User can know before user put request API'.
-> How do we know task_id when nova-api downs before we get task_id?

So, I think that 'Idempotency for OpenStack API'[0] is still valid because
of requirement.
(Yes, I think word 'Idempotency' is appropriate...)

If you have any thoughts on that please share it with me.

Sincerely, Haruka Tanizawa

[0] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/idempotentcy-client-token

2013/11/27 Takahiro Shida <shida.takahiro at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm also interested in this issue.
> > Create a unified request identifier
> > https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/cross-service-request-id
> I checked this BP and the following review.
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/29480/
> There are many comments. Finally, this review looks rejected by "user
> specified correlation-id" is useless and insecure.
> >> 3. Enable keystone to generate "request identification" (we can call it
> 'request-token', for example).
> > -2
> So, this idea will be helpful to solve the "cross-service-request-id"
> problem.
> Because the correlation-id specified by keystone.
> How about nova guys and keystone guys ?
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