[openstack-dev] [all project] Treating recently seen recheck bugs as critical across the board

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Nov 26 02:12:55 UTC 2013

This has been mentioned in other threads, but I thought I'd call it
out and make it an explicit topic.

We have over 100 recheck bugs open on
http://status.openstack.org/rechecks/ - there is quite a bit of
variation in how frequently they are seen :(. In a way thats good, but
stuff that have been open for months and not seen are likely noise (in
/rechecks). The rest - the ones we see happening are noise in the

The lower we can drive the spurious failure rate, the less repetitive
analysing a failure will be, and the more obvious new ones will be -
it forms a virtuous circle.

However, many of these bugs - a random check of the first 5 listed
found /none/ that had been triaged - are no prioritised for fixing.

So my proposal is that we make it part of the base hygiene for a
project that any recheck bugs being seen (either by elastic-recheck or
manual inspection) be considered critical and prioritised above
feature work.



Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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