[openstack-dev] [Heat] HOT software configuration refined after design summit discussions

Mike Spreitzer mspreitz at us.ibm.com
Wed Nov 20 21:32:59 UTC 2013

Steve Baker <sbaker at redhat.com> wrote on 11/19/2013 03:40:54 PM:
> How to define and deliver this agent is the challenge. Some options are:
> 1) install it as part of the image customization/bootstrapping (golden
> images or cloud-init)

> 2) define a (mustache?) template in the SoftwareConfig which
> os-collect-config transforms into the agent script, which
> os-collect-config then executes

I do not follow what you mean here.  Can you please elaborate a little?

> 3) a CM tool specific implementation of SoftwareApplier builds and
> delivers a complete agent to os-collect-config which executes it

Could instead the agent be a package that the applier templates asks to be 

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