Greetings, One of the bits of feedback that came from the "Nova Project Structure and Process" session at the design summit was that it would be nice to skip having blueprints for smaller items. In an effort to capture this, I updated the blueprint review criteria [1] with the following: Some blueprints are closed as unnecessary. Blueprints are used for tracking significant development efforts. In general, small and/or straight forward cleanups do not need blueprints. A blueprint should be filed if: - it impacts the release notes - it covers significant internal development or refactoring efforts So, to pick out some examples (not trying to pick on anything in particular here): An example of a feature that should be in release notes: An example of a major refactoring effort that justifies a blueprint: An example of something I think is small enough to not need a blueprint: Determining when a blueprint is and is not necessary is a bit difficult to define clearly. I would appreciate input on how we can define it more cleanly so that it can be enforced by the blueprint reviewers consistently. Thanks, [1] -- Russell Bryant