[openstack-dev] [Nova] Icehouse Blueprints

Russell Bryant rbryant at redhat.com
Fri Nov 15 16:49:31 UTC 2013


I've received a lot of requests for blueprint reviews in the last week
(on the list, IRC, direct email, etc).  I figured now was a good time to
recap where we are with Icehouse blueprints.

1) We've had a discussion both on the mailing list [1] and at the design
summit [2] about the process we will be using this cycle.  The results
have been integrated into the main Blueprints wiki page [3].

*** If you have an Icehouse blueprint, please read [3] ***

2) Now that we're back from the design summit, we're all catching up on
things and getting into blueprint reviews.  As long as you have followed
the instructions in [3], we will get to yours as soon as we can.  Please
be patient.  :-)

3) If you have work planned for Icehouse, please get your blueprints
filed as soon as possible.  Be sure to set a realistic target milestone.
 So far, *everyone* has targeted *everything* to icehouse-1, which is
set to be released in less than 3 weeks.  That's far from realistic.

4) We're assuming that anything not targeted to a release milestone is
not actively being worked on. Soon (in one week) we will start closing
all blueprints not targeted to a release milestone.


[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/NovaIcehouseProjectStructureAndProcess
[3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Blueprints

Russell Bryant

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