[openstack-dev] [qa] Tracking development of scenario tests

David Kranz dkranz at redhat.com
Wed Nov 13 23:24:10 UTC 2013

It was clear at the summit that there is a pressing need for more 
scenario tests. A number of folks have volunteered to participate so we 
need a way to track progress and avoid duplication. We have not had 
great satisfaction using either bugs or blueprints, so Sean and I are 
proposing a more "self-service" approach and process:

1. Developer checks in the zeroth version of a scenario test as work in 
progress. It contains a description of the test, and     possibly work 
items.  This will "claim" the area of the proposed scenario to avoid 
duplication and allow others to comment through gerrit.
2. The developer pushes new versions, removing work in progress if the 
code is in working state and a review is desired and/or others will be 
contributing to the scenario.
3. When finished, any process-oriented content such as progress tracking 
is removed and the test is ready for final review.

We can discuss this at the meeting tomorrow or you can reply with comments.


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