[openstack-dev] [Savanna] Definition of template

Andrey Lazarev alazarev at mirantis.com
Tue Nov 12 19:20:18 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I want to raise the question "What template is". Answer to this question
could influence UI, validation and user experience significantly. I see two
possible answers:
1. Template is a simplification for object creation. It allows to keep
common params in one place and not specify them each time.
2. Template is a full description of object. User should be able to create
object from template without specifying any params.

As I see the current approach is the option 1, but UI is done mostly for
option 2. This leads to situations when user creates incomplete template
(backend allows it because of option 1), but can't use it later (UI doesn't
allow to work with incomplete templates).

Let's define common vision on how will we treat templates and document this

My opinion is that we should proceed with the option 1 and change
UI accordingly.

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