[openstack-dev] RFC: reverse the default Gerrit sort order

Clark Boylan clark.boylan at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 04:06:14 UTC 2013

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Robert Collins
<robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> On 11 November 2013 10:06, Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:
>> Not possible now. With gerrit 2.8 (hopefully something we can get
>> deployed soonish) we introduce the Custom Dashboards feature. The
>> "Important Changes" page will be implemented using that, which means we
>> should be able to play with things like you suggest above.
>> That said:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/mine/important/
>> Shows me old changes at the top of the reviewable section. Do you use
>> that view at all?
> I don't because:
>  - they seem to be sorted by patch #, not by last-comment or last-push
>  - the reviewable by me section includes all nova open reviews (as I watch it)
>  - the reviewed by me section is also a 100 or so long
> -> useless.
> I would like to review things I previously reviewed first, but
> re-reading > 100 reviews to manually detect which ones had replies ==
> painful.
> -Rob
They are sorted on the reverse of the default sort order (which is
change number IIRC but would need to reread code to be sure). The
reliance on watched projects is probably one of the biggest problems
with this dashboard view, but that is what watched projects exist for.
I have heard suggestions that different levels of watching may be
helpful, but I doubt upstream would take patches that did that (worth
discussing with them though).

Recently I have been using stars to aggressively mark the items that I
think can move through the queue, I review them then keep them starred
until they are merged. If they move too slowly they get unstarred.
This is typically a much smaller subset of the larger queue and makes
dealing with context switching much easier. Doesn't quite solve your
second point about detecting which items have replies, but tackles a
similar problem, tracking items that are under development and moving.


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