Hi Ceilometer Developers, I'm rather new to the Ceilometer development efforts. I would like to request feedback on the Blueprint "Specify the HTTP API for querying events and new meters." https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/specify-event-api https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ceilometer/blueprints/Ceilometer-specify-event-api This blueprint is in support of the work that Sandy and team are doing around StackTach integration at, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/stacktach-integration. Sandy and team have been helping us out in becoming more familiar with Ceilometer development and providing input. Currently, it is a straw dog proposal. We would like to understand if the direction and approach looks reasonable and then further refine the details if we are headed in the right direction, or start over. Anything you can comment on would be great. Not sure what the best way to handle input is. Send me personnel email or reply all if you would like. Please feel free to update the Wiki too with questions or other ideas. We're also starting to move towards implementation. Regards --Roland