[openstack-dev] Quantum model

Aaron Rosen arosen at nicira.com
Thu May 30 18:49:02 UTC 2013

The api should be fully outlined here:

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:44 AM, Julio Carlos Barrera Juez <
juliocarlos.barrera at i2cat.net> wrote:

> Hi!
> We are developing an external network controller for OpenStack. We want
> to use Quantum REST Proxy Plugin [1] as proxy to send all the possible
> messages via REST API to our network controller. For this purpose, we need
> to provide this API in an strict way, for that reason we need a definition
> of the API (an WSDL/WADL?). Anyway, we need the definition of the root
> objects of Quantum model (network, port and subnet). Because the nature of
> Python language, it is difficult to find it from QuantumPluginBaseV2
> interface [2].
> We are going to develop the network controller as an extension of OpenNaaS
> project [3]. It implies we are going to use Java and a bunch of
> technologies already chosen to develop the REST server. It implies that we
> need an strict model definition and an strict REST API definition to be
> full compatible with the proxy plugin.
> Where can we found these definitions? Would we need to do reverse
> engineering form Python code and JSON requests?
> Thank you!!
> [1] Quantum REST Proxy Plugin
> http://docs.projectfloodlight.org/display/floodlightcontroller/Quantum+REST+Proxy+Plugin
> [2] QuantumPluginBaseV2
> https://github.com/openstack/quantum/blob/master/quantum/quantum_plugin_base_v2.py#L29
> [3] OpenNaaS project http://www.opennaas.org/
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