[openstack-dev] [Ask OpenStack] "How does openstack handle blade server?"

Qing He Qing.He at radisys.com
Thu May 30 16:25:06 UTC 2013

Thanks for your answer.
My idea would be
If we can have an open interface to the blade server/chassis following the open ATCA spec:


to take advantage of the good features of ATCA and  at the same time treat the multiple entities in the chassis as a whole (e.g. HostAggregates). HostAggregates, or MultiClusterZones seem a little weak here.



From: openstack at ask.openstack.org [mailto:openstack at ask.openstack.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 3:07 AM
To: Qing He
Subject: [Ask OpenStack] "How does openstack handle blade server?"

fifieldt<https://ask.openstack.org/users/64/fifieldt/> posted an answer<https://ask.openstack.org/question/1502/how-does-openstack-handle-blade-server/?answer=1719#post-id-1719>.

Answered by fifieldt:


The simple answer is that right now, OpenStack does not treat blades in any special way.

If the hypervisor in use is blade aware, this may make a difference, but in general each server appears as a server. It is possible to group servers together into HostAggregates (http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-compute/admin/content/host-aggregates.html) to take some different action scheduling-wise, or manage taking entire blade chassis offline at the same time.

It sounds like you have a good idea of the actions that can be performed with blade servers that OpenStack could be taking advantage of. It would be great to get you to share your ideas with the OpenStack developers to improve the current situation. The development mailing list is found here: https://wiki. openstac k.org/wiki/MailingLists#Future_Development<https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingLists#Future_Development>

In reply to qhe's question: How does openstack handle blade server?

Tags: blade_server, hirarchical_scheme.

A blade server host a chasis of blades, computing, networking, storage, etc. These blades are managed as awhole usually. Does openstack have hirarchical management/operational scheme? Does it handle plugin such a scheme?

======= Full thread summary =======

Question : How does openstack handle blade server?

Tags: blade_server, hirarchical_scheme.

A blade server host a chasis of blades, computing, networking, storage, etc. These blades are managed as awhole usually. Does openstack have hirarchical management/operational scheme? Does it handle plugin such a scheme?


Commented by qhe:

Further more, how does the openstack know if two blades are configured in a redundancy group (one is a hot standy of the other)?

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