[openstack-dev] incubating diskimage-builder?

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu May 30 01:17:05 UTC 2013

On 27 May 2013 21:57, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org> wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
>> Diskimage-builder isn't a whole lot of code, but thats deliberate ;).
>> It is however something I suspect will end up in the inner loop of a
>> bunch of projects as people get familiar with it's utility. Maybe it
>> should be an oslo component  [though its 95% shell], or maybe it
>> should be 'part of' glance in the same way python-glanceclient is
>> 'part of' glance.
> I think it makes sense as an Oslo component, exactly for the same
> reasons rootwrap is an Oslo component. Both are small, 95% shell, and
> end up in the inner loop of a bunch of OpenStack projects...
> Oslo already has a concept of "specialist maintainer" so you can keep
> driving it.

Hi Mark; I think Thierry's suggestion of Oslo components makes sense.
Could you have a look at
https://github.com/stackforge/diskimage-builder and weigh in on what
you think the best route forward for this is?

For context, ttx and I chatted on IRC - transcript below, which ended
up raising an additional question when I followed up on the URL etc.
 - diskimage-builder is not Python - it has a little Python in it, but
only about 10%. This isn't a problem, as shell fits the domain for
diskimage-builder much better than Python : the bits that benefit from
Python have been turned into Python.

SLOC    Directory       SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
740     elements        sh=706,python=34
304     bin             sh=300,python=4
127     diskimage_builder python=127
92      scripts         sh=92
23      top_dir         python=23

08:28 < lifeless> ttx: so what do I need to do to do this oslo thing?
08:34 < ttx> lifeless: at this point you should push it to
oslo-incubator, like rootwrap is
08:35 < lifeless> ttx: as it's own git tree ?
08:36 < lifeless> ttx: or is oslo-incubator a mix-up ?
08:37 < ttx> lifeless: it's a mix-up until the subthing is deemed
ready to stand on its own
08:37 < ttx> lifeless: which could be fast
08:37 < lifeless> ttx: I'd like you to look at the current git tree
08:37 < ttx> details @ https://wiki.openstack.org/Oslo
08:37 < lifeless> ttx: before we muddy the VCS history waters
08:38 < lifeless> https://github.com/stackforge/diskimage-builder/
08:38 < ttx> maybe it can start as a lib like pbr or hacking
08:39 < lifeless> ttx: have a look
08:41 < lifeless> ttx: it's had 300 commits, has comprehensive docs
and it's own setup.py etc.
08:41 < lifeless> ttx: Renaming the python bits to be
olso.diskimagebuilder would be trivial; but folding the
                  history together and then unfolding it later seems
wasteful at beast.
08:42 < ttx> lifeless: best to ask markmc how he sees it
08:43 < ttx> could certainly start directly as an oslo lib if that
makes sense for him
08:43 < lifeless> ok

Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

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