[openstack-dev] [State-Management] Meeting minutes.

Joshua Harlow harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Fri May 24 00:49:41 UTC 2013

State-management meeting minutes for Thursday, May 23, 2013

Logs @ http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/state_management/2013/state_management.2013-05-23-20.01.html

For all those that couldn't make it just wanted to share a summary of what happened. Thanks for showing up if you did :-)


- Taskflow library work continuing and progressing well.
 - Database 'logbook' being added (thx jlucci) and looking great!
 - Celery backend also progressing well (WIP)
 - Stackforge move arriving soon!
- New potential use-cases
 - Ironic via devananda has some potential use-cases for distributed locking to
   ensure resources aren't 'modified' by multiple bare metal 'managers' at the
   same time while allowing for multiple bare metal 'managers' to 'read' the
   same resources.
- Lots of discussion on locking and the varying limitations that different locking
  services/providers have and how it could fit the ironic use-case in a generic or
  somewhat generic manner.
 - Potentially discussion about using ZK, redis, memcache or a simpler
   service+API to provide basic locking functionality. Each has its own
   drawbacks and benefits and capabilities. (More ongoing discussion needed here!)
- Cinder being worked onto by yours truly to see how taskflow might apply there.


- Need to explore how a locking 'service' can provide locks that fit a variety
  of use-cases (where different backends may only provide some of those use-cases
  while other backends may provide all of the use-cases).

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