[openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] Migrating Volumes for Maintenance

John Griffith john.griffith at solidfire.com
Mon May 13 21:59:19 UTC 2013

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya
<vishvananda at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> There have been efforts in cinder to support migration of volumes:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/volume-migration
> This is especially important for maintenance scenarios. While some storage
> backends support migration internally, our default backend is iscsi/lvm
> based. In this model a volume resides on exactly one host. We need a way to
> perform maintenance in our default config. Picture a scenario like the
> following:
> An instance is running on HOST A and has attached a volume from HOST B.
> the instance is actively reading and writing to the volume. HOST C is empty.
> +--------+           +--------+       +--------+
> | HOST A |           | HOST B |       | HOST C |
> +--------+           +--------+       +--------+
> |instance|<-attached-| volume |       |        |
> +--------+           +--------+       +--------+
> If an administrator needs to take HOST A down for maintenance, she could
> ininitiate a live-migration of the instance from host a to host C, and the
> instance could continue running without downtime. If, on the other hand,
> host B needs to be taken down, there is no way to keep the system up and
> running. She would have to pause the instance on HOST A, detach the volume,
> copy the data to HOST C, then reattach and resume the instance.

I agree with the problem statement and the issue with taking down Host-B
except rather than detach and copy I was hoping to just do a snap and use
that for the copy while the original volume was live.  The trick is syncing
the diffs that were written while the snap was being copied over, more on
this in response to the idea of the generalized fall-back approach below.

> This clearly is not ideal.
> There was a proposal in nova to allow for volumes to be migrated along
> with a live/block migration:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/migrate-volume-block-migration
> Libvirt does support switching volumes during a migration, but I feel this
> is overcomplicated. It would require migrating the instance AND the volume
> to HOST C even if we only need to do maintenance on HOST B.
> I have a POC for an alternative proposal here:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/28995
> The general idea is to allow a command that swaps an existing/mounted
> volume out for another volume transparently to the guest. All data is
> copied to the new volume during the swap. There are a few concerns with
> this approach, so I wanted to get it out there to be looked at by other
> people before putting together a blueprint/cleaning it up/etc.
> The major concern I have is that this transparent fast swap has some
> limitations:
>  a) the instance must be running
>  b) it only works for iscsi volumes (I have not tested to see if it is
> even possible for things like rbd volumes)
>  c) only recent versions of libvirt/qemu support the feature.
>  d) it is unlikely that other hypervisors can implement this feature
> easily.

Points 'c' and 'd' are the main concerns out of these in my opinion, points
'a' and 'b' can be addressed via a generalized abstraction I think, but I
still haven't figured out how to solve the issue mentioned above regarding
the changes to disk during the initial copy/clone.  One thought I had was:
snapshot vol-a -->  copy snapshot vol-b (this might be an attach/dd combo
or something else) --> raw device rsync vol-a to vol-b --> yet to be
discovered magic to detach/attach

The good thing is we can have the functionality even if it's not as sexy as
the blockmigrate implementation.

> For this reason the best approach might be to consider this to be a
> fast-path version of swap and we could have a slower/fallback approach
> which would be:
>  1. pause the vm
>  2. connect to the new volume
>  3. copy data to the new volume
>  4. swap the volumes out
>  5. unpause the vm
> I think this is reasonable, and I think even this slower path mentioned
can be optimized as well (whether on initial implementation or via
enhancements in future patches).

> I believe this is implementable in all hypervisors. So we can support the
> swap feature but it may incur a (potentially long) pause with some
> hypervisors/machine states/backend volumes.
> Now for questions:
>  A) Does the fast swap with fallback seem like a reasnable approach?

Personally I think for a number of use cases this is a good approach.  I'd
even be interested in having a tested/recommended config that has the
mirroring pre-set across nodes so we wouldn't even need to take that
initial mirroring update hit.  If folks are interested enough in live
migration it might be worth pointing out an optimized config for doing this.

>  B) Is this feature useful enough to justify the effort?

In my opinion yes

>  C) Does anyone have alternate proposals?

Some ideas were kicked around at the summit regarding the use of a
migration service running in Cinder that did this sort of thing on a Cinder
node, it would use things like backend implementations where applicable,
and generic dd type operations for back-end to back-end.  For the specific
use case you mention here I'm not sure it's better/worse etc (well it's
probably worse :) ).  It may even be that the migration service approach
ends up being the fall-back case.

> Thanks,
> Vish
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I do have some other use cases I'd like to address and look at.  They may
be different enough that they don't impact this particular proposal, but
something I think would be useful is something like importing volumes in to
Cinder, and export/importing cinder volumes from one cloud installation to
another.  I can elaborate more on these later but I don't think they're
directly related to this proposal and I don't want to run down a rabbit
hole talking about those things here.  I just wanted to at least have the
concept in mind as we look at this idea.

Anyway, looking forward to hear what others think....

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