[openstack-dev] OS proliferation on PyPI

Sascha Peilicke speilicke at suse.com
Mon May 13 13:08:13 UTC 2013


while I appreciate the rationale behind the "hacking" package [0], could 
we please rename this to openstack.hacking or alternatively transform it 
into a more generic flake8.hacking? So far, we often just polluted the 
PyPI namespace with randomly named packages that are very much 
OS-specific. If such packages aren't meant to be consumed outside the OS 
context or make little sense without, they probably shouldn't look like 
they could.

FWIW, It seems to be a somewhat similar issue to whats currently 
discussed in th "New code name for networks" thread on the generic ML.

  [0] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hacking
With kind regards,
Sascha Peilicke
SUSE Linux GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg, Germany
GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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