[openstack-dev] [cinder] About Read-Only volume support
lzy.dev at gmail.com
lzy.dev at gmail.com
Mon May 13 10:22:50 UTC 2013
Hi All,
In https://etherpad.openstack.org/summit-havana-cinder-multi-attach-and-ro-volumes,
I saw a comment there:
"Summit feedback: Not doing R/O volumes due to the limited hypervisor
that can support setting the volume to R/O, currently only KVM has
this capability".
I agree there probably have some troubles cause R/O volumes support
hard to implement.
But maybe since I have not attended the summit, nova and cinder guys
not notice there is a blueprint to plan to implement a cinder backend
driver for glance
(https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/glance-cinder-driver, I
proposed), so I consider the R/O volumes support can be implemented
Under the case, the R/O volume stored in cinder will be created as an
image, client can access it by glance via standard api, and nova can
prepare the R/W image (base on R/O volume) for the instance normally.
And more, I consider the R/O volume support and cinder driver for
glance is valuable because on nova side we can give some code changes
to allow nova prepare instance disk via particular COW mechanism base
on particular cinder backend store capability with more efficiency
way, such as efficient snapshot.
Zhi Yan
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