[openstack-dev] [State-Management] Meeting minutes.

Joshua Harlow harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Thu May 9 22:31:51 UTC 2013

Just wanted to ensure everyone is up to date and has the ability to chime-in on some of the discussion we had in the state-management nova sub-team.

Logs @ http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/state_management_goodness/2013/state_management_goodness.2013-05-09-20.00.html


  1.  Summary of what state-management could mean (from yours truly).
  2.  Consensus to start taskflow library in cinder (vs. stackforge vs. nova vs. oslo vs…) - unless we have other major discussion on this ML.
     *   Cinder members to provide some input on what workflows/taskflows/primitives they may feel are appropriate.
  3.  Consensus that it would be great to get interested core members of other openstack projects interested in taskflow library to be reviewers on said code and to have them providing design input so that if and when it becomes more stable they can easily integrate said library into there own projects codebase to benefit from the kinds of concepts I believe that the library can offer. In the meeting there was a few people that spoke up about being victims^H^H^H volunteers.
     *   Any other interested parties please let me know and I will do my best to make sure you are involved :-)
  4.  Ongoing discussion on how said core taskflow primitives would work (or could work).

Keep up the good discussion folks, glad to have everyone involved :)


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