[openstack-dev] [Orchestration] Back to life + meeting minutes!

Joshua Harlow harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Thu May 2 23:20:25 UTC 2013

Just wanted to let everyone know that the orchestration (for nova now) is back in action (thx sandy)!

Todays meetings notes are @ http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_orchestration_group/2013/openstack_orchestration_group.2013-05-02-19.59.txt

Some of the interesting discussions.

  *   Components need to form a workflow primitive library which hopefully can get used in nova, heat, cinder, reddwarf… sooner rather than later.
     *   This is starting to form with some code I am putting up, others help/comments/code/reviews is of course appreciated.
     *   Wiki I'll start forming in with some key ideas I have for primitives @ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StructuredWorkflowPrimitives (others feel free to add to)
  *   Workflow cancellation/preemption (how can it be done?)
  *   Enabling different primitive 'backends' (memory, db, zookeeper).
  *   Moving quickly and not get overburdened with a 'ultra-library' (which may or may not solve world peace)
  *   Which workflows to rework in nova without affecting to many others work (aka the question of what to tackle first).
     *   https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StructuredWorkflows can be a skeleton/template for this, anyone with ideas please add there :-)
  *   Some talk about how conductor fits in here (maybe next meeting some of the conductor folks can come chat)
  *   Names!
     *   'Taskflow' came out of this (and it seems applicable).

I believe a lot of movement is forming here, so lets keep up the effort and discussions and general goodness! See you all next week at 2000-UTC.

For new people interested, please feel free to join: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings#Orchestration_team_meeting

Feel free to bug me on IRC (or email, or both!)

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