On 2013-05-02 20:09:09 +1000 (+1000), Michael Still wrote: > Thanks for this, and thanks for the fast response! Similarly, thanks for any attention to/fixing of failures on the non-voting centos6 tests (especially if you can also backport them to stable/folsom and stable/grizzly). With only a week of security support to go on Ubuntu Oneiric, we'd like to be able to transition our Python 2.6 unit tests to CentOS as an alternative 2.6-providing distribution ASAP. Dan Prince has done a huge amount of work on fixing issues our tests are identifying there, but a few still remain and prevent us from making those slaves vote in the gate in place of their expiring Ubuntu predecessors. As of right now, everything's passing regularly on master. The only tests still holding us back are waiting for stable backports to Nova and Ceilometer, as demonstrated by the latest bitrot logs... http://logs.openstack.org/periodic/periodic-ceilometer-python26-stable-grizzly-centos6/2/console.html.gz http://logs.openstack.org/periodic/periodic-nova-python26-stable-folsom-centos6/2/console.html.gz http://logs.openstack.org/periodic/periodic-nova-python26-stable-grizzly-centos6/2/console.html.gz -- Jeremy Stanley