[openstack-dev] Who owns the centos gate for oslo?

Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Thu May 2 07:36:53 UTC 2013

Who owns the centos gate for oslo? Its failing on one of my changes,
and it looks to me like a centos bug...


One of the failures looks like this:

2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 | ERROR:
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 | _StringException: Empty attachments:
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |   pythonlogging:'openstack.common'
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 | Traceback (most recent call last):
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |   File
line 140, in test_check_exit_code_boolean
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |     processutils.execute('/usr/bin/env',
'false', check_exit_code=False)
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |   File
line 149, in execute
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |     result = obj.communicate()
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/subprocess.py",
line 729, in communicate
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |     stdout, stderr = self._communicate(input, endtime)
2013-05-02 07:28:03.563 |   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/subprocess.py",
line 1330, in _communicate
2013-05-02 07:28:03.564 |     self.wait(timeout=self._remaining_time(endtime))
2013-05-02 07:28:03.564 | TypeError: wait() got an unexpected keyword
argument 'timeout'

Note that argument is coming from python2.6, not my code. According to
it might be an eventlet versioning issue?


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