[openstack-dev] Pecan vs Falcon?

Kurt Griffiths kurt.griffiths at rackspace.com
Wed May 1 22:18:30 UTC 2013

> Ryan Petrello, one of our devs, spent a couple of hours Tuesday working
>on Pecan performance. He was able to find at least 30% improvement using
>the Falcon benchmarks, just with low-hanging-fruit type changes. That
>code is now in the latest Pecan release (0.2.3).

That's great; honestly, one of my main goals with Falcon was to simply
experiment with ways of advancing the state of the art in some very
specific areas. For example, there's a contributor working on a tree-based
router to see how that can be done most efficiently in Python, and how
that approach would compare to regex- and object-based routing.

This is similar to what goes on in the world of game development, where
some crazy new (often indie-developed) game engine comes out and pushes
the envelope in this or that aspect. The community then folds those new
ideas into existing (and future) engines over time, advancing the overall
state of the art. It probably goes without saying, but different engines
have strengths and weaknesses, making each one more or less appropriate,
depending on what type of game you're after.

It will take some time, but I don't personally have any problem with
driving toward a unified OpenStack WSGI "engine" (forgive me for
stretching a metaphor). I also think, as part of this effort, that it
doesn't make sense to write off the Swift team's concerns. IMHO, that only
engenders an adversarial relationship between them and other OpenStack
teams, when what we really want is collaboration.

Let's all join forces and make something totally awesome!

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