[openstack-dev] [Heat][openstack-tc] Heat AutoScaling Roadmap

Steven Hardy shardy at redhat.com
Wed May 1 13:50:14 UTC 2013

Hi all,

This is the promised followup to the question raised at the end of the TC
meeting yesterday[1]

Essentially the question is - at what point do we need TC approval if we do
any/all of the following, which were discussed during the summit[2]:

1. Add an AutoScaling API to the existing Heat AutoScaling functionality,
to provide more granular control of autoscaling policy and actions

2. Extend the API above to potentially allow AutoScaling groups to be created
without explicitly defining a stack template (we would probably define one
internally however)

3. Extend the API further to allow AutoScaling groups to be created from
existing resources, e.g a list of existing instances

4. Break out the AutoScaling logic from the heat-engine, such that it could
potentially be run as a standalone service

All of these ideas were proposed by various people during the summit
discussions, but at the moment, I'm only anticipating 1, 2, and possibly 3
happening within the Havana timeframe (and even that is highly dependent on
those presenting these ideas showing up with patches ;)

I'm very much in favour of incrementally building on our existing AS
functionality, and there was strong agreement that the addition of an AS
ReST API would be useful at the summit.

Some at summit were advocating a more clean-sheet new-project approach,
and/or splitting AS into a separate project, but I'm very much against that
at this point in time - Heat has a simple, but proven AS capability, so IMO
it makes much more sense to just build on that existing (small and very
simple) code.

It may be that we never reach (4), particularly if there ends up being a
workflow service external to Heat (at which point AS becomes ceilometer
alarms triggering pre-defined workflow)

Anyway, thanks for any input you can provide, please let me know if I need
to propose a motion for more formal TC discussion on any of the points


[1]: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2013/tc.2013-04-30-20.02.log.txt
[2]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/heat-autoscaling

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