[openstack-dev] PCI-passthrough dev ...
Jiang, Yunhong
yunhong.jiang at intel.com
Thu Mar 28 20:20:03 UTC 2013
Yes, http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/80 is the one for nova.
If this topic will be accepted, a discussion on mailing list can get more input and idea, thus the session will be more effective. And a 'show and tell' before the session is a good idea
From: Ian Wells [mailto:ijw.ubuntu at cack.org.uk]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:30 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] PCI-passthrough dev ...
Chuck's is not the only summit session:
http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/81 (the Quantum side of things if you're mapping network devices)
... and I know Mellanox have also been working on that particular side of things too. Perhaps we could all get together at the summit before the sessions for a show and tell? We could equally work it all out in the sessions, but it seems it would be hard to lead a session like that without having some knowledge up front of what other people have done.
To be fair, our code is basically Vladimir Popovski's (Zardara Storage's) work, tidied up and with a scheduler check to make sure there are actually available SRIOV functions on the node before scheduling. It's there, it's actually a patch against Folsom at the moment, and it works, but I wouldn't lay claim to it necessarily being the One True Way to implement this (and I don't think it has tests enough to pass a review).
On 25 March 2013 16:23, Russell Bryant <rbryant at redhat.com<mailto:rbryant at redhat.com>> wrote:
On 03/24/2013 01:44 PM, Ian Wells wrote:
> Yep, we've got code in test at the moment.
This is (at least) the second instance that I've heard of where PCI
passthrough has been implemented, but code hasn't surfaced yet. It's
really unfortunate to see the duplication of effort happening.
Chuck Short also proposed a design summit session on it, presumably to
discuss implementing it yet another time:
It would be really nice to get some code out in the open for this. :-)
Russell Bryant
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