[openstack-dev] [OSSG] [keystone] Trusts: delegation and impersonation
David Chadwick
d.w.chadwick at kent.ac.uk
Mon Mar 18 10:35:13 UTC 2013
Hi Adam
As Adam knows, we have had very good discussions in the past, and my
criticisms, such as they are, are not directed at Adam and the trusts
blueprint in particular, but rather at the currently established process
for defining and implementing security features in OpenStack. As Adam
says, it needs to be much more rigorous than it currently is, and
perhaps one of the things we can discuss in Portland is a revised
procedure for this which would try to eliminate as far as possible,
security vulnerabilities creeping into the system either by omission,
commission or simple mistakes.
One of the ideas I have had is going to a two period release cycle
instead of one, in which the first six months is for specification of
the new or revised security feature and maybe proof of concept
implementation or testing in the lab, followed by the final publication
of the specification at the start of the next period and the software
release at the end of the next period. I dont know if people think this
will slow things down too much or not, but it should make the software
more security and less vulnerable to attacks
On 17/03/2013 01:35, Adam Young wrote:
> To those not familiar with David, understand that he is a security
> researcher whom I hold in fairly high regard. We've discussed numerous
> aspects of Keystone at great length. He'll be familiar with my
> responses, but others will be less so.
> On 03/15/2013 01:16 PM, David Chadwick wrote:
>> Here are my comments, some of which I have made before in various
>> previous emails
>> 1. Trusts is actually the concept of delegation, and you should remove
>> the term trusts altogether and simpo hly use the term delegation,
>> since this is the well known concept and it should be sufficient to
>> cover all the use cases you require.
> Yes...but...the term delegation has been used for many things, in the
> area of Keystone and elsewhere. We were using it for two different
> blueprints when we first started discussing what is now called trusts.
> The concept of delegation of authority here is specifically that of a
> user to user delegation. The term trust was selected to handle
> specifically the agreement for later setting up a delegation, and it was
> this distinction that lead to using the word "Trust." The analogy is to
> Legal trusts, used to hand off management of assets. The language of
> trusts, trustor, and trustee makes things very clear to a degree that I
> have not always found in Identity Management.
>> 2. From a security perspective, impersonation (where the service
>> cannot tell the difference between the real user and the imposter)
>> should be a no-go area. You simply should not provide any support for
>> it, as the system looses all means of auditing who did what, and the
>> delegator has no means of controlling what the delegate is entitled to
>> do. (Clearly you cannot forbid it, since anyone can give their
>> authentication credentials to anyone else, but from the service's
>> perspective, this is always the user who is accessing the resource and
>> must take full responsibility for this, and it is not the impersonator).
> Not allowing impoersonation is probably the right thing the abstract,
> but due to the way Swift in particular manages ownership, which is at
> the per user level, the attribute that needs to be delegated is,
> unfortunately, the user_id of the owner of the object. Systems are
> currently built around users surrendering control of their password just
> as you state above. Impersonation is a step in the right direction. I
> would be happy to remove the impersonation aspect of trusts once it is
> no longer needed.
> As far as audting, however, this is the possibiility of an audit trail.
> The token used to perform the action records the trustee ID regardless
> of whether impersonation is in effect or not. Even if all the remote
> service logs is the token ID used to perform and action, there is still
> enough information in Keystone to link that back to the impersonator.
>> It maybe that the functionality your require is to delegate a user's
>> full set of privileges, but this should still be done by delegation
>> and not by impersonation, as then the system retains a full audit of
>> who did what. However in the specification you set the user attribute
>> of the delegation to that of the trustor instead of the trustee. This
>> is bad, as the generated token is then in the name of the trustor
>> rather than the trustee. In my opinion the impersonation feature
>> should be removed as quickly as possible.
>> 3. A user should be able to delegate any of his authz privileges,
>> depending upon the constraints of the privilege authority. So, for
>> example, I can delegate my role if the role/attribute authority allows
>> it. Otherwise I cannot. I dont believe you have this constraint in
>> your model, so it is a deficiency. For example, whilst I might be able
>> to delegate my role A to someone else, I should not be able to
>> delegate my age or my current location (both of which can be authz
>> attributes e.g. for age related and location related services). So the
>> attribute authority must be able to control whether delegation is
>> allowed or not, and if it is, how much it is (e.g. length of
>> delegation chains). You typically can never delegate your driving
>> license to anyone. So who is the attribute authority for the
>> attributes that are currently being delegated in your "trusts" model,
>> and how do they control this?
> Currently, only roles can be delegated (well, and the user_Id in the
> case of impersonation). If we allow delegation of additional attributes
> in the future, we can certainly provide constraints on what can and
> cannot be delegated.
>> 4. Before you do any coding of security functionality ideally you
>> should have a properly specified design that has been rigorously
>> reviewed and agreed upon (and the security group of OpenStack should
>> sign these off before implementation proceeds). Security is very hard
>> to get right, and simply going ahead and coding something up first
>> without a proper design and review phase, is in my opinion folly. (I
>> think Keystone suffers from a number of such functionalities.) You
>> will end up wasting time in the long run, due to the amount of bug
>> fixing and re-factoring you will have to do, and you will also
>> introduce security vulnerabilities into your system as well, due to an
>> improperly specified or insufficiently reviewed design. We all know
>> that the current Keystone system has a number of such "features".
> Such has been my goal. Keystone as it exists now did not undergo such a
> rigorous process in the past, and so we have a system that needs
> improvement. I think that the use of bearer tokens is the number one
> thing we want to address in the next release, and I would argue that we
> cannot properly deal with them without a delegation mechanisms such as
> Keystone trusts. I think that David agrees with me on this, and is not
> attacking the base concept, just that he disagrees with the
> implementation details.
>> In summary, I would like to improve the security of Keystone, but I
>> think that an improved way of working is needed
>> regards
>> David
>> On 14/03/2013 18:59, Dolph Mathews wrote:
>>> This is a feature that just landed in Grizzly which could certainly use
>>> some extra security-focused eyes.
>>> There's two use cases being addressed:
>>> 1) Scoped role delegation with optional impersonation: "I trust user X
>>> to perform role Y on project Z, optionally for some duration of time,
>>> and optionally while impersonating me."
>>> 2) Impersonation: "I trust user X to impersonate me, optionally for some
>>> duration of time."
>>> In short, a trust is created by a trustor; the trustee must first
>>> authenticate as themselves, and then may consume the trust by specifying
>>> it's ID (which is not necessarily a secret); the trustee then receives a
>>> token with the project and associated roles as specified by the trustor;
>>> the generated token may also reflect the trustor's identity, instead of
>>> the trustees (but will contain an impersonation flag to indicate this
>>> behavior).
>>> The original blueprint [1] outlines the goal of the feature and contains
>>> links to relevant patches. The Identity API v3 specification contains a
>>> fairly thorough overview of the final concept [2] along with a examples
>>> for each of the related API calls [3]. The implementation is mostly
>>> housed in the keystone.trust package [4] although it also affects both
>>> v3 and v2 auth flows, in the keystone.auth [5] and keystone.token [6]
>>> packages, respectively.
>>> [1]: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/trusts
>>> [2]:
>>> https://github.com/openstack/identity-api/blob/master/openstack-identity-api/src/markdown/identity-api-v3.md#trusts
>>> [3]:
>>> https://github.com/openstack/identity-api/blob/master/openstack-identity-api/src/markdown/identity-api-v3.md#trusts-1
>>> [4]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/tree/master/keystone/trust
>>> [5]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/tree/master/keystone/auth
>>> [6]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/tree/master/keystone/token
>>> Thanks for all your hard work, Adam!
>>> -Dolph
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