Hi, Michael and Thierry, After applying: https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/efaacdaee116388234558e2682b647d41fe5b149 in Essex Nova 2012.1.1-15 in Debian SID, Jules <postmaster at ispire.me> reported this: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=703242 So, it seems that last security patch in SID broke nova-console. Is it possible? Is it known? Does Ubuntu have the problem as well? Is there a fix? I've submit but #703242 so that the package doesn't migrate from SID to Wheezy with this problem. At this time of the release of the next Debian testing, such an RC bug isn't welcome. A quick resolution would be much appreciated by the release team. Cheers, Thomas