[openstack-dev] [Nova] nova-core cleanup

Russell Bryant rbryant at redhat.com
Wed Mar 6 19:41:37 UTC 2013


I just proposed three new candidates for the nova-core team.  It is
important that we keep this team at a manageable size of people that are
all actively reviewing code.

With that said, I would propose removing Rick Harris (rconradharris)
from nova-core.  Trey Morris (tr3buchet) was very recently added back to
nova-core, so I think we should give him more time to ramp up his
contribution level.

As has been said in the past, this is not a slight on current or past
contributions to Nova.  It's understandable that people move on or get
very busy with other things.


Reviews for the last 30 days in nova
** -- nova-core team member
|       Reviewer       | Reviews |
|     sdague-b **      |   365   |
|    vishvananda **    |   336   |
|    mikalstill **     |   250   |
|     russellb **      |   223   |
|      klmitch **      |   208   |
|       danms **       |   127   |
|       jogo **        |   113   |
|      markmc **       |    97   |
|     cerberus **      |    96   |
|     cbehrens **      |    88   |
|        alaski        |    84   |
|       maurosr        |    83   |
|       berrange       |    82   |
|       lifeless       |    73   |
|   p-draigbrady **    |    70   |
|       cyeoh-0        |    64   |
|    dan-prince **     |    61   |
|      yunmao **       |    53   |
| johannes.erdfelt **  |    49   |
|      devananda       |    39   |
|        lauria        |    38   |
|        zulcss        |    37   |
|       krtaylor       |    34   |
|     rkhardalian      |    33   |
|       dripton        |    33   |
|        jk0 **        |    31   |
|        dims-v        |    27   |
|       belliott       |    22   |
|        tmello        |    17   |
|       boris-42       |    17   |
|      hzwangpan       |    16   |
|     alexpilotti      |    15   |
|  malini-k-bhandaru   |    11   |
|       arata776       |    11   |
|        garyk         |    10   |
|        fungi         |    10   |
|       adalbas        |    10   |
|       treinish       |    9    |
|   rconradharris **   |    9    |
|    jason-koelker     |    9    |
|     tr3buchet **     |    8    |
|       amotoki        |    7    |
|      yehia-beyh      |    6    |
|       rkukura        |    6    |
|      philip-day      |    6    |
|       mdrnstm        |    6    |
|       gongysh        |    6    |
|       danwent        |    6    |
|        blk-u         |    6    |
|        arosen        |    6    |
|       locke105       |    5    |
|       hanlind        |    5    |
|      geekinutah      |    5    |
|         ttx          |    4    |
|       mathrock       |    4    |
|       ldbragst       |    4    |
|     johngarbutt      |    4    |
|      avishay-il      |    4    |
|       sorrison       |    3    |
|    john-griffith     |    3    |
|      ewindisch       |    3    |
|      xing-yang       |    2    |
|     sandy-walsh      |    2    |
|       pednape        |    2    |
|     otherwiseguy     |    2    |
|   nicolas.simonds    |    2    |
|      nati-ueno       |    2    |
| msherborne+openstack |    2    |
|     motokentsai      |    2    |
|       mordred        |    2    |
|       mestery        |    2    |
|    kurt-f-martin     |    2    |
|     john-herndon     |    2    |
|       emagana        |    2    |
|      davewalker      |    2    |
|       chmouel        |    2    |
|        cfb-n         |    2    |
|       cboylan        |    2    |
|       bcwaldon       |    2    |
|        apevec        |    2    |
|        aloga         |    2    |
|    zhiteng-huang     |    1    |
|      wenjianhn       |    1    |
|    thomas-goirand    |    1    |
|  stanislaw-pitucha   |    1    |
|  salvatore-orlando   |    1    |
|       roytman        |    1    |
|      parthipan       |    1    |
|     opencompute      |    1    |
|   kravchenko-pavel   |    1    |
|       jdurgin        |    1    |
|       ivan-zhu       |    1    |
|      ijw-ubuntu      |    1    |
|       heut2008       |    1    |
|       harlowja       |    1    |
|        gtt116        |    1    |
|       glikson        |    1    |
|        gessau        |    1    |
|       genggjh        |    1    |
|    gabriel-hurley    |    1    |
|        flwang        |    1    |
|       emilienm       |    1    |
|    duncan-thomas     |    1    |
|       dperaza        |    1    |
|    doug-hellmann     |    1    |
|        corvus        |    1    |
|         cmsj         |    1    |
|   boris-fiuczynski   |    1    |
|  armando-migliaccio  |    1    |
|    amir-sadoughi     |    1    |
|       YangLei        |    1    |

Total reviews: 3137

Russell Bryant

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