[openstack-dev] [OpenStack] Cinder PTL Candidacy
Monty Taylor
mordred at inaugust.com
Tue Mar 5 23:15:24 UTC 2013
I confirm that John is eligible to be a PTL candidate for Cinder.
On 03/05/2013 05:31 PM, John Griffith wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> For those that don't know me, I'm a senior software engineer employed by
> SolidFire Inc, who's full time job is OpenSource and more specifically
> OpenStack, and even more specifically Cinder.
> Contributions over the last six months:
> This spring will mark one year since we decided to spin out
> Nova-Volume in to Cinder while at the Summit in San Francisco
> During Folsom, I lead the efforts to build Cinder and get a
> functional replacement for Nova-Volume ready and available. At the
> end of Folsom Cinder was voted in as what we then called a Core
> project and I was elected as the PTL. Since then, we've continued
> to build the core team as well as continuing to attract new
> developers and vendors who want to be a part of OpenStack/Cinder.
> Grizzly has been a big release cycle for us, lots of useful new
> features like Fibre Channel support, backups, filter scheduling,
> multi-backends, API versioning, better boot from volume, cloning,
> LVM mirroring and LVM Thin Provisioning, not to mention all of the
> new back-end drivers that have been added.
> My focus has continued to be on contributing code to the Cinder core
> project, not only in terms of code submissions but also in terms of
> evangelism to the outside user community and being available to help
> new-comers who want to participate and get involved.
> Most critical aspects for Cinder in the next 6 months:
> There are a number of things that I see as vital for Cinder over the
> next six months. The common theme for Havanna though comes down to
> one word "quality". I'd like to spend the first Havanna milestone
> focusing on Cinder quality. This includes more active involvement
> in Tempest to improve the work that's already been done there and
> more importantly to add to it.
> This also includes seemingly simple things like standardizing and
> improving logging and exception handling. Some other pieces include
> things like introducing states for Volumes, and just a good scrub of
> the code we have.
> Further down the line we have a number of topics to discuss at the
> summit including Volume migration, improvements to features we
> introduced in Grizzly and better testing/integration methods for
> third party drivers.
> Concerns going forward:
> Features for features sake in Cinder, what I mean by this is I'd
> like to avoid making Cinder any more complex than it has to be just
> in order to put in any feature that anybody can think of and find
> useful in to the code base.
> Drifting back to Nova for block storage related code. With all the
> discussions about encryption in Nova for attached volumes etc and
> some other patches that I've seen over the months I'd like to get
> folks to come up with a strategy of where functionality belongs and
> what project it should reside in. There's a risk of features added
> in another project inhibiting features in Cinder or even worse
> conflicting with them, and I think one task for the PTL is to
> communicate with the other project teams to flush these sorts of
> things out.
> If you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask. Also
> hopefully folks on the Cinder team that I've been working with
> throughout the Grizzly release would be willing to offer up their
> opinion/thoughts about me fulfilling the role of PTL, so feel free to
> hit them up on IRC as well to get their input (assuming they're willing).
> Thanks,
> John
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