[openstack-dev] IMPORTANT reminder about the new CLA process
Zane Bitter
zbitter at redhat.com
Mon Mar 4 15:15:27 UTC 2013
On 04/03/13 15:25, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2013-03-04 12:11:14 +0100 (+0100), Zane Bitter wrote:
>> A few notes I made that might prove helpful:
> Yes, very helpful--thanks! I'll elaborate a bit inline.
>> - At the top of the CLA there's a whole spiel that is related to
>> the old EchoSign process (you'll receive an email, must click the
>> link, &c.) and no longer applies. To reduce confusion, it should be
>> removed.
> I don't see that at the top of the current ICLA served from
> Gerrit...
> https://review.openstack.org/static/cla.html
End of the first paragraph:
If you have not already done so, please complete and sign this Agreement
by following the instructions embedded below. After you fill in the
required information and apply your digital signature to the Agreement,
the signature service will generate an email to you. You must confirm
your digital signature as instructed in this email to complete the
signing process. The signature service will then send you a signed copy
of this Agreement for your records.
(I initially assumed this was being pulled in from some other location,
but it appears that is actually part of the text supplied by the
Foundation, so it's really up to them to fix if they so choose.)
> It does appear further down because everything after the end of
> section #9 is a verbatim quote of the old (Echosign-based) OpenStack
> LLC license referred to there...
> "as defined in the LLC Contribution License Agreement below"
> We could probably do some minor formatting tweaks to make it more
> obvious that the blockquote is distinct, but its indentation already
> lines up with the indentation of the section #9 text as it is.
>> - It wasn't clear to me that the contact details were required, and
>> indeed accepting the CLA succeeded without them, but I couldn't push
>> code until I added them. (Maybe chalk this up to my lack of reading
>> comprehension, but there you have it.)
> Yes, Gerrit handles contact information and CLA signing as separate
> processes. You can perform either task without doing the other, but
> both need to be completed before you are able to push commits for
> review. It tries to be sane by providing you with the contact
> information fields on the CLA signing page if you haven't previously
> entered any, which makes it seem more directly connected than it is.
> I think the error messages from Gerrit's SSH Git service to a fairly
> decent job of pointing you in the right direction since they differ
> depending on which tasks have not been completed.
Makes sense, I had no trouble actually working out how to set it.
>> - When I went to update my Contact Information in the Settings, it
>> insisted that I set my *preferred* email to the one I used to join
>> the foundation. Surely if any of the registered emails are in the
>> foundation membership list then that should be sufficient? (Note to
>> others having this problem: after adding contact details, you can
>> change your preferred email back again provided that you leave the
>> other contact details fields blank while doing so).
> It is unfortunately tied to the "Preferred Email" selected on the
> Gerrit Contact Information Page and we can't do a lot about that,
> but as you point out it only matters at the moment the contact
> information is submitted and can be changed back to whatever you
> like immediately after. As to it not successfully matching against
> an entry in the list of E-mail addresses on your Foundation Profile
> page, I'll bring that up with Todd. I think we would like the
> flexibility if it's not too hard for him to implement.
That would also have solved my problem, although what I was actually
asking for was for it to look at all of the email addresses I have
registered in Gerrit (I actually forgot that you can, and I do, have
multiple addresses registered in the Foundation profile). It would be
great if one (or both) of these was possible - the workaround is
effective but not obvious, especially since you have to click away from
that page and return to clear out the contact information fields.
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