[openstack-dev] Ceilometer PTL candidacy
Nicolas Barcet
nicolas at barcet.com
Mon Mar 4 12:17:19 UTC 2013
As I do not think it is a good practice, nor completely practical to
be both a PTL and a board member, I will not seek a third mandate as
Ceilometer's project lead. This does not mean that I will cease being
active on the project, just that I won't have to multiply presence on
different meetings throughout the week.
I would recommend others to vote for Julien Danjou as he has the time,
dedication and experience which I think are needed to hold this
position (not just because he is a fellow French citizen!) and
therefore fully support his candidacy.
Camenbert and Ceilometer ruleZ!
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Julien Danjou <julien at danjou.info> wrote:
> Hi fellow developers,
> Here's my candidacy for the next PTL election for the Ceilometer
> project.
> Most of you already know me since I've been here from the first day of
> Ceilometer, and I'm still a major contributor to the project, designing
> blueprints, implementing a large number of features, fixing bugs and
> reviewing code.
> I think I'll be a great choice to lead the next developement cycle. I've
> been in touch and worked with every contributors to Ceilometer, so am in
> a good position to coordinate effort for Havana.
> I've also worked closely with our dear current PTL Nick, in the last
> months, so I've a good understanding of what this role is about. I've
> already led meetings and organized developements, before Nick was
> elected, and during his mandat, thanks to him.
> During our next developement cycle, I'd like to bring Ceilometer to the
> next level, and here's a few things I'd like to see us put emphasis on:
> - working on scalability concerns, studying detailed requirements for
> large deployment;
> - enhance integration with other OpenStack projects;
> - address alarming requirements and implementation;
> - move forward on the API v2 implementation and requirements, and
> transition from v1;
> - enhance our code quality by levering code coverage, unit and
> functionnal testing.
> Thanks for reading this far!
> Cheers,
> --
> Julien Danjou
> ;; Free Software hacker ; freelance consultant
> ;; http://julien.danjou.info
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Nicolas Barcet <nicolas at barcet.com>
a.k.a. nijaba, nick
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