[openstack-dev] The future of run_tests.sh

Joe Gordon joe.gordon0 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 17:44:44 UTC 2013

It sounds like the censuses in this thread is:

In the long run, we want to kill run_tests.sh in favor of explaining how to
use the underlying tools in a TESTING file.

But in the short term, we should start moving toward using a TESTING file
(such as https://review.openstack.org/#/c/33456/) but keep run_test.sh for
the time being as there are things it does that we don't have simple ways
of doing yet.  Since run_tests.sh will be around for a while it does make
sense to move it into oslo.


On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 06/18/2013 08:44 AM, Julien Danjou wrote:
> > FWIW, I think we never really had a run_tests.sh in Ceilometer
> > like other projects might have, and we don't have one anymore for
> > weeks, and that never looked like a problem.
> >
> > We just rely on tox and on a good working listing in
> > requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt, so you can build a venv
> > yourself if you'd like.
> A couple of followups to things in this thread so far:
> - - Running tests consistently both in and out of virtualenv.
> Super important. Part of the problem is that setuptools "test" command
> is a broken pile of garbage. So we have a patch coming to pbr that
> will sort that out - and at least as a next step, tox and run_tests.sh
> can both run python setup.py test and it will work both in and out of
> a venv, regardless of whether the repo uses nose or testr.
> - - Individual tests
> nose and tox and testr and run_tests.sh all support running individual
> tests just fine. The invocation is slightly different for each. For me
> testr is hte friendliest because it defaults to regexes - so "testr
> run test_foo" will happily run
> nova.tests.integration.deep_directory.foo.TestFoo.test_foo. But - all
> four mechanisms work here fine.
> - - pbr
> Dropping in to a debugger while running via testr is currently
> problematic, but is currently on the table to be sorted. In the
> meantime, the workaround is to run testtools.run directly, which
> run_tests.sh does for you if you specify a single test. I think this
> is probably the single greatest current reason to keep run_tests.sh at
> the moment - because as much as you can learn the cantrips around
> doing it, it's not a good UI.
> - - nova vs. testr
> In general, things are moving towards testr being the default. I don't
> think there will be anybody cutting off people's hands for using nose,
> but I strongly recommend taking a second to learn testr a bit. It's
> got some great features and is built on top of a completely machine
> parsable test result streaming protocol, which means we can do some
> pretty cool stuff with it.
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