[openstack-dev] Horizon 'setup.py install' in virtualenv

Koert van der Veer koert at cloudvps.com
Wed Jun 19 11:25:52 UTC 2013

In the latest beta, setup.py install doesn't really install horizon in the
virtualenv. Though some of the files are installed, the install doesn't
seem to be recursive; all sub-modules of horizon and openstack_dashboard
are missing.

My procedure is:

$ virtualenv --system-site-packages foo
$ source foo/bin/activate
(foo) $ python setup.py install
(foo) $ cd /tmp
(foo) $ python
>>> import openstack_dashboard
>>> import openstack_dashboard.dashboards
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named dashboards

Am I doing something wrong, or have I found a bug?
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