[openstack-dev] Add IDE specific directories to .gitignore

Roman Prykhodchenko rprikhodchenko at mirantis.com
Tue Jun 18 07:50:27 UTC 2013

Greetings fellows,

There are several IDEs that are widely used for working on OpenStack. I can name PyCharm, Eclipse(PyDev) and Rope (Vim, Emacs).
The IDEs mentioned above create specific folders to store project-related settings. Those folders then are displayed as untracked in git, i.e.:

# On branch some_branch
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#	.idea/

Of course, it's possible to modify local .git/info/exclude but isn't it reasonable to include the most common folders to our .gitignore?

- Roman Prykhodchenko

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