[openstack-dev] [Horizon] 3ds.js

Bradley Jones -X (bradjone - AAP3 INC at Cisco) bradjone at cisco.com
Fri Jun 7 22:34:53 UTC 2013

Currently the bar graphs have been replaced with pie charts. Looks something like this https://launchpadlibrarian.net/141732806/Screen%20Shot%202013-06-05%20at%2010.45.32.png (minus the colour in the current master branch)

d3js.org<http://d3js.org> is a great place to find out about the api and examples, in horizon the library is already there in the current master branch and will be in scope throughout all the javascript so you can access d3 from anywhere.


On 7 Jun 2013, at 15:07, Matt Joyce <matt.joyce at cloudscaling.com<mailto:matt.joyce at cloudscaling.com>>

ack d3.js.  Sorry.

Uhm... I see we're pulling out my old grody bar graphs from the main project page.  Awesome.

I'd like to see those replaced with a single d3 chart.  And if someone else is working on that, I'd be down for sitting back and watching or helping them.  Or if no one is, I'd like to try my hand at making that happen.  But that gets back to my first point.

How do we access d3's toolkit.



On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Matt Joyce <matt.joyce at cloudscaling.com<mailto:matt.joyce at cloudscaling.com>> wrote:
So what's the plan on adding 3ds to horizon.

Are we including it as an external dependency?  Or are we packaging it?  Or what?


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