[openstack-dev] [Nova] New DB column or new DB table?

Jay Pipes jaypipes at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 16:08:10 UTC 2013

On 07/18/2013 10:44 AM, Murray, Paul (HP Cloud Services) wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to chip in with something from the side here (sorry to stretch the discussion out).
> I was looking for a mechanism to do something like this in the context of this blueprint on network aware scheduling: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/network-bandwidth-entitlement Essentially the problem is that I need to add network bandwidth resource allocation information just like vcpu, memory and disk space already has. I could hard code this just as they are, but I can also think of a couple of others we would like to add that may be more specific to a given installation. So I could do with a generic way to feed this information back from the compute node to the scheduler just like this.
> However, my use case is not the same - it is not meant to be for monitored/statistical utilization info. But I would like a similar mechanism to allow the scheduler to keep track of more general / extensible resource allocation.

How is that a different use case from Lianhao's? You mean instead of 
collected usage metrics you want to allocate based on the value of a 
transient statistic like current network bandwidth utilisation?

> Do you have any thoughts on that? Again, don't mean to deflect the discussion - just I have another use case.

I tend to agree with both Brian and Sean on this. I agree with Sean in 
that it seems duplicative to store compute_node_resources in the Nova 
database when a simple REST call to Ceilometer would avoid the 
duplication. And I agree with Brian that the extra_specs scheduler 
filters seem like they would fit the "check a current bandwidth 
statistic" type use case you describe above, Paul.


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