[openstack-dev] [Keystone] V3 auth API design input
Dolph Mathews
dolph.mathews at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 03:59:57 UTC 2013
Can you put this up as a review on the identity API? There's already a
rough cut there that could use some love.
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Adam Young <ayoung at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 01/23/2013 05:06 PM, David Chadwick wrote:
>> On 23/01/2013 21:14, Adam Young wrote:
>>> Tokens are not where we want Keystone to be long term. Since they are
>>> bearer tokens, they are susceptible to relay attacks. Thus, I don't
>>> want the authentication process bound to only producing tokens.
>>> If we do /v3/authn/tokens as the API for creating new tokens, we can do
>>> /v3/authn/X509 or something else in the future.
>>> Also, the token format should be nailed down, and simplified from the
>>> artifacts that the current tokens contain. We need to remove the term
>>> metadata from usage, and instead talk in terms of the contents of the
>>> token itself.
>>> Here's a strawman.
>>> {
>>> user : { id, other user specific attributes },
>>> domain : {id},
>>> project : { roles [role ids]},
>> dont you need the project id as well?
> Absolutely, sloppiness on my part.
> What is the significance of putting the roles inside the project
>> construct rather than simply listing them as separate elements as
>> project: {id}
>> roles: {role ids}
> THere is a proposal to make tokens that span multiple tokens. I should
> account for that, as I think I was doing it implicitly. So:
> projects : [{ id: id1, roles [role1, role2]}, { id: id2, roles [role1,
> role3]},
>> By the way, introducing holder of key into tokens solves the bearer
>> problem and does not require SSL/TLS. What it requires is simply that the
>> client signs the message containing the token with the key and includes a
>> nonce/timestamp in the signed message so that the recipient can validate
>> that the user is the holder of the token and the token has not been
>> replayed.
> Are you saying that the whole web requests would then be signed? Yes, that
> would work, and would be very effecient, but it would require extending all
> of the HTML aware parts to allow for signatures. I think that would be a
> very valuable extension.
>> so then you would have the additional fields
>> key : {X.509 PKC}
>> timestamp : {validity time of token}
> Good additions.
>> regards
>> David
>> auth_mechanisms[],
>>> services:[
>>> compute: [https://nova/endpoint],
>>> identity: [https://keystone/endpoint],
>>> ...
>>> ]
>>> }
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