[openstack-dev] [SWIFT] Swift API cleanup

Chuck Thier cthier at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 19:20:43 UTC 2013

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Flavio Percoco <fpercoco at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 01/14/13 18:08, Chuck Thier wrote:
>> Howdy Swift Stackers,
>> For various reasons, there is a bit of legacy cruft in the Swift API.
>> A couple of recent bugs have brought this back to the front of our
>> minds (like correctly quoting Etags, and using the proposed HTTP
>> return code for rate-limiting).  Chmouel has kindly started a wiki
>> page[1] to start collecting these areas of cruft, in an effort to
>> start work on a clean-up rev of the swift API.  I will work on a
>> blueprint and propose a session at the next summit where we can
>> discuss further.  Please feel free to contribute to the wiki page, and
>> note that the purpose of this is to clean up the cruft, not a whole
>> new API (think v1.1 not 2.0).
>> [1] http://wiki.openstack.org/SwiftNextAPI
> I think we should also keep track of the projects that will be affected by
> those changes, Openstack modules I mean. The idea is to measure the impact
> of those changes throughout Openstack.

I was planning on addressing this with the Blueprint creation, and for
the most part, it shouldn't be much of an issue, as we should plan to
still support the v1.0 API for quite some time.


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