[openstack-dev] Bumping eventlet to 0.12.0+

Chuck Short chuck.short at canonical.com
Mon Feb 11 11:44:27 UTC 2013


On 13-02-09 11:12 PM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-02-09 at 22:56 -0500, Eric Windisch wrote:
>> As such, contributions are NOT under the Apache license, but are
>> licensed under the CLA to the OpenStack Foundation and then relicensed
>> by the foundation under the Apache license.
> The CLAs' terms is very similar to the terms of the Apache License 2.0.
> I basically think of the CLA as "I submit my contribution to OpenStack
> under the terms of the Apache License 2.0". But IANAL
>>    As such, I'm not entitled to actually submit MIT licensed code into
>> the project (which very well may be a good thing).
> That is probably true, but I'm not 100% sure.
> IMHO, the question on 0.12.0 is to distro maintainers - how disruptive
> is the requirement for 0.12.0 in Grizzly?

Not disruptive at all.

> If it is disruptive, we can punt on it until Havana and recommend to
> folks they use 0.12.0 if they want to use the zmq driver.
> Cheers,
> Mark.
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