[openstack-dev] [Neutron][IPv6] Agenda for the meeting today

Ian Wells ijw.ubuntu at cack.org.uk
Thu Dec 12 19:07:56 UTC 2013

Can we go over the use cases for the multiple different address allocation
techniques, per my comment on the blueprint that suggests we expose
different dnsmasq modes?

And perhaps also what we're going to do with routers in terms of equivalent
behaviour for the current floating-ip versus no-floating-ip systems.  One
idea is that we would offer tenants a routeable address regardless of which
network they're on (something itself which is not what we do in v4 and
which doesn't really fit with current subnet-create) and rather than NAT we
have two default firewalling schemes in routers for an externally
accessible versus an inaccessible address, but I'd really like to hear what
other ideas there are out there.

On 12 December 2013 18:22, Collins, Sean <Sean_Collins2 at cable.comcast.com>wrote:

> The agenda for today is pretty light - if there is anything that people
> would like to discuss, please feel free to add.
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Neutron-IPv6-Subteam#Agenda_for_Dec_12._2013
> --
> Sean M. Collins
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