[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [marconi] Notifications brainstorming session tomorrow @ 1500 UTC

Kurt Griffiths kurt.griffiths at rackspace.com
Mon Dec 2 19:10:05 UTC 2013


Want to surface events to end users?

Following up on some conversations we had at the summit, I’d like to get folks together on IRC tomorrow to crystalize the design for a notifications project under the Marconi program. The project’s goal is to create a service for surfacing events to end users (where a user can be a cloud app developer, or a customer using one of those apps). For example, a developer may want to be notified when one of their servers is low on disk space. Alternatively, a user of MyHipsterApp may want to get a text when one of their friends invites them to listen to That Band You’ve Never Heard Of.

Interested? Please join me and other members of the Marconi team tomorrow, Dec. 3rd, for a brainstorming session in #openstack-marconi at 1500 UTC<http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=15&min=0&sec=0>. Your contributions are crucial to making this project awesome.

I’ve seeded an etherpad for the discussion:



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