[openstack-dev] Announcing Tuskar project and PTL nominations

Tomas Sedovic tsedovic at redhat.com
Wed Aug 21 14:13:37 UTC 2013

On 08/21/2013 02:32 PM, Tomas Sedovic wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We would like to announce Tuskar, an OpenStack management service.
> Our goal is to provide an API and UI to install and manage OpenStack at
> larger scale: where you deal with racks, different hardware classes for
> different purposes (storage, memory vs. cpu-intensive compute), the
> burn-in process, monitoring the HW utilisation, etc.
> Some of this will overlap with TripleO, Ceilometer and possibly other
> projects. In that case, we will work with the projects to figure out the
> best place to fix rather than duplicating effort and playing in our own
> sandbox.
> Current status:
> There's a saying that if you're not embarrassed by your first release,
> you've shipped too late.
> I'm happy to say, we are quite embarrassed :-)
> We've got a prototype that allows us to define different hardware
> classes and provision the racks with the appropriate images, then add
> new racks and have them provisioned.
> We've got a Horizon dashboard plugin that shows the general direction we
> want to follow and we're looking into integrating Ceilometer metrics and
> alarms.
> However, we're still tossing around different ideas and things are very
> likely to change.
> Our repositories are on Stackforge:
> https://github.com/stackforge/tuskar
> https://github.com/stackforge/python-tuskarclient
> https://github.com/stackforge/tuskar-ui
> And we're using Launchpad to manage our bugs and blueprints:
> https://launchpad.net/tuskar
> https://launchpad.net/tuskar-ui
> If you want to talk to us, pop in the #tuskar IRC channel on Freenode or
> send an email to openstack-dev at lists.launchpad.net with "[Tuskar]" in
> the subject.

A typo in the mailing list name, sorry. I meant:

openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org


> PTL:
> Talking to OpenStack developers, we were advised to elect the PTL early.
> Since we're nearing the end of the Havana cycle, we'll elect the PTL for
> a slightly longer term -- the rest of Havana and throughout Icehouse.
> The next election will coincide with those of the official OpenStack
> projects.
> If you are a Tuskar developer and want to nominate yourself, please send
> an email to openstack-dev at lists.launchpad.net with subject "Tuskar PTL
> candidacy".
> The self-nomination period will end on Monday, 26th August 2013, 23:59 UTC.
> --
> Tomas Sedovic
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