[openstack-dev] Proposal for approving Starting by scheduler development blueprint.

Russell Bryant rbryant at redhat.com
Wed Aug 14 15:10:39 UTC 2013

On 08/13/2013 10:32 PM, cosmos cosmos wrote:
> Hello. 
> My name is Rucia for Samsung SDS.
> Now, I am developing Start Logic by nova-scheduler
> for efficient resources of host.
> This function is already implemented in folsom release version.
> It is used for the iscsi target such as HP san storage.
> This is slightly different from the original version.
> If you start the instance after stop, the instance will started at
> optimal Compute host.
> The selected host is through the nova-scheduler.
> <Before Logic>
> 1. Do not use the scheduler originally in start logic of Openstack Nova
> 2. Start on the host where the instance is created
> <After Logic>
> 1. When the stopped instance start, Changed to start from the hosts that
> is selected by nova-scheduler
> 2. When the VM starts, Check the resources through check_resource_limit()
> Pros
> - You can use resources efficiently 
> - When you start a virtual machine, You can solve the problem that is
> error caused by the lack of resources on a host.
> Below is my blueprint and wiki page.
> Thanks
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/start-instance-by-scheduler
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Start

Thanks for filing a blueprint, providing design details on a wiki page,
and then starting a discussion on the mailing list.  It's a very good
example of the ideal process.  :-)

You targeted this at havana-3.  Unfortunately, it's too late in the
release cycle to be adding new work.  We already have a large queue of
features trying to get in in the next few weeks.

Regarding the specific proposal, it actually sounds like what you really
want to accomplish may have already been implemented in Havana, but in a
different way.

So, let's start by focusing on the problem you want to solve and not the
proposed solution.  It sounds like you want to be able to stop a VM and
have it not consume resources on the host.  When you're ready to use it
again, you want it to be placed on what is now the best host for it to
run on.

If that is accurate, can you review the shelve-instances work done in
Havana [1]?

It sounds like shelving may do what you want.

[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/shelve-instance

Russell Bryant

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