[openstack-dev] Osl and dangerous code merging

Boris Pavlovic boris at pavlovic.me
Thu Aug 8 11:11:45 UTC 2013


>> What do you mean by "dangerous code merging" in the subject? The body of
>> your mail doesn't make any reference to whatever "danger" you're seeing.

I mean that cut and paste approach is really unsafe. For example some new
member is able to change oslo code directly during syncing with some
 and nobody will be able to catch such things.

I didn't catch any of such situation, but I saw a lot of attempts to change
openstack/common/* directly.
(and it is really close situation..)

>> The idea of using submodules has come a few times. I don't have a
>> fundamental objection to it, except any time I've seen submodules used
>> in a project they've been extremely painful for everyone involved.

oslo-incubator sync util and submodules solves the same problem, almost in
same way:
sync util -> copy paste code from <hash>
submodules -> just set <hash> of commit from what to use code

So I think the problem is not in submodules, problem is in approach of
common code for different projects.
But IMHO it is much better to have problems around creating common code
that is used by all projects, then to make
N different solutions for N different projects doing almost the same

>> I'd be happy to look at a demo of a submodule based system for projects
>> to use code from oslo-incubator.

Probably we should just try, and analyze what approach is better?

Best regards,
Boris Pavlovic
Mirantis Inc.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Mark McLoughlin <markmc at redhat.com> wrote:

> What do you mean by "dangerous code merging" in the subject? The body of
> your mail doesn't make any reference to whatever "danger" you're seeing.
> On Thu, 2013-08-08 at 14:16 +0400, Boris Pavlovic wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Could somebody answer me, why we are merging oslo code in other projects
> > and don't use
> > git submodules (http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules)
> The idea of using submodules has come a few times. I don't have a
> fundamental objection to it, except any time I've seen submodules used
> in a project they've been extremely painful for everyone involved.
> I'd be happy to look at a demo of a submodule based system for projects
> to use code from oslo-incubator.
> Mark.
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