[openstack-dev] [climate] Mirantis proposal to extend Climate to support virtual resources reservation

Patrick Petit patrick.petit at bull.net
Tue Aug 6 11:12:00 UTC 2013

Hi Dina and All,
Please see comments inline. We can  drill down on the specifics off-line 
if that's more practical.
Thanks in advance,
On 8/5/13 3:19 PM, Dina Belova wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> Patrick, Julien, thank you so much for your comments. As for the 
> moments Patrick mentioned in his letter, I'll describe our vision for 
> them below.
> 1) Patrick, thank you for the idea! I think it would be great to add 
> not only 'post-lease actions policy', but also 'start-lease actions 
> policy'. I mean like having two types of what can be done with 
> resource (virtual one) on lease starting - 'start VM automatically' or 
> 'start VM manually'. This means user may not use reserved resources at 
> all, if he needs such a behaviour.
Something along those lines would work but I think the 'start VM 
manually' keeps over specifying the behavior IMO since you still make 
the assumption that reserved resources are always started using a term 
'manually' that is misleading because if not automatically started by 
the reservation service they can still be automatically started 
elsewhere like in Heat. I general I agree that users can take advantage 
of being able to specify pre and post lease actions / conditions 
although it shouldn't be prescriptive of something binary like start 
automatically or manually. Another beneficial usage could be to send 
parametrized notifications. I would also make the pre and post action 
optional so that if the user choose not to associate an action with the 
realization of a lease, he doesn't have to specify anything. Finally, I 
would also  that the specification of a pre and post action is assorted 
of a time offset to take into account the lead time to provision certain 
types of resources like physical hosts. That's a possible solution to 
point 4.
> 2) We really believe that creating lease first, and going with its id 
> to all the OpenStack projects to use is a better idea than 'filling' 
> the lease with resources just at the moment of its creation. I'll try 
> to explain why. First of all, as for virtual reservations, we'll need 
> to proxy Nova, Cinder, etc. APIs through Reservation API to reserve VM 
> or volume or something else. Workflow for VM/volume/etc. creation is 
> really complicated and only services written to do this have to do it, 
> in our opinion. Second, this makes adding new reservations to the 
> created lease simple and user friendly. And the last moment, we should 
> not copy all these dashboard pages for instance/volume/... creation to 
> the reservation Dashboard tab in this case. As for the physical 
> reservations, as you mentioned, there is no way to 'create' them like 
> virtual resources in the Nova's, for example, API now. That's why 
> there are two ways to solve this problem and reserve them. First way 
> is to reserve them from Reservation Service as it is implemented now 
> and described also in our document (WF-2b part of it). The second 
> variant (that seems to be more elegant, but more complicated as well) 
> is to implement needed parts as Nova API extension to let Nova do the 
> things it does the best way - managing hosts, VMs, etc. Our concern in 
> this question is not doing things Nova (or any other service) can do 
> much better.
Well, I am under the impression that you put forward an argumentation 
that is mostly based on an implementation artifact which takes advantage 
of the actual resource provisioning workflow and dashboard rather than 
taking into account the most common use cases and practices. There maybe 
use cases that mandate for an iterative  workflow that is similar to 
what you describe. I may be wrong, but I am doubtful it is going to be a 
common use case. We tend to think of AWS as being a reference and you've 
probably noticed that reservations in AWS are performed by chunk (the 
more I reserve for the longer period of time, the cheaper). The problem 
with adding reservations into a lease on a continuous basis is that as a 
user I may end up undo what I have done (e.g. I got only 900 out of the 
1000 VMs I want) and keep trying forever. That's potentially a lot of 
overhead. Also, as a cloud operator, I'd like to know what my 
reservation pipeline looks like ahead of time so that I can provision 
new hardware in due time. That's capacity planning. As an operator, I 
also want to be able grant reservations and charge for it even if I 
don't have the capacity right now provided the lead time to provisioning 
new hardware doesn't conflict with the terms of the pending leases. If a 
user can add reservations to a lease at the last moment, that 
flexibility may be compromised. In any events, this is how we envision 
the behavior of the reservation service for the reservation of physical 
capacity and so, it is important the service API can support that 
interaction model. I think it's probably okay to do it in two separate 
steps 1) create the lease, 2) add reservation (although it seems 
problematic in the case of immediate lease) but the actual hosts 
reservation request should include a cardinality factor so that if the 
user wants to reserve x number of hosts in one chunk he can do it. The 
reservation service would respond yes or no depending on the three 
possible lease terms (immediate, best effort and schedule) along with 
the operator's specific reservation policies that yet has to be 
configurable one way or another. To be discussed...
> 3) We completely agree with you! Our 'nested reservation' vision was 
> created only to let user the opportunity of checking reservation 
> status of complex virtual resources (stacks) by having an opportunity 
> to check status of all its 'nested' components, like VMs, networks, 
> etc. This can be done as well by using just Heat without reservation 
> service. Now we are thinking about reservation as the reservation of 
> the OpenStack resource that has ID in the OpenStack service DB, no 
> matter how complex it is (VM, network, floating IP, stack, etc.)
I am not sure I am getting this...? All I wanted to say is that 
orchestration is a pretty big deal and my recommendation is not to do 
any of this at all in the reservation service but rely on Heat instead 
when possible. I understand you seem to agree with this... Also, I am 
not sure how you can do stack reservations on the basis of a Heat 
template when it has auto-scaling groups.
> 4) We were thinking about Reservation Scheduler as a service that 
> controls lease life cycle (starting, ending, making user 
> notifications, etc.) and communicates with Reservation Manager via 
> RPC. Reservation Manager can send user notifications about close lease 
> ending using Ceilometer (this question has to be researched). As for 
> the time needed to run physical reservation or complex virtual one, 
> that is used to make preparations and settings, I think it would be 
> better for user to amortise it in lease using period, because for 
> physical resources it much depends on hardware resources and for 
> virtual ones - on hardware, network and geo location of DCs.
Do you mean make the user aware of the provisioning lead time in the 
lease schedule? How do suggest they know how to account for that? In 
practice, a lease is a contract and so the reservations must be 
available at the exact time the lease becomes effective.
> Thank you,
> DIna.
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Julien Danjou <julien at danjou.info 
> <mailto:julien at danjou.info>> wrote:
>     On Fri, Aug 02 2013, Patrick Petit wrote:
>     > 3. The proposal specifies that a lease can contain a combo of
>     different
>     >    resources types reservations (instances, volumes, hosts, Heat
>     >    stacks, ...) that can even be nested and that the reservation
>     >    service will somehow orchestrate their deployment when the lease
>     >    kicks in. In my opinion, many use cases (at least ours) do not
>     >    warrant for that level of complexity and so, if that's something
>     >    that is need to support your use cases, then it should be
>     delivered
>     >    as module that can be loaded optionally in the system. Our
>     preferred
>     >    approach is to use Heat for deployment orchestration.
>     I agree that this is not something Climate should be in charge. If the
>     user wants to reserve a set of services and deploys them
>     automatically,
>     Climate should provide the lease and Heat the deployment
>     orchestration.
>     Also, for example, it may be good to be able to reserve automatically
>     the right amount of resources needed to deploy a Heat stack via
>     Climate.
>     --
>     Julien Danjou
>     // Free Software hacker / freelance consultant
>     // http://julien.danjou.info
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> -- 
> Best regards,
> Dina Belova
> Software Engineer
> Mirantis Inc.

Patrick Petit
Cloud Computing Principal Architect, Innovative Products
Bull, Architect of an Open World TM
Tél : +33 (0)4 76 29 70 31
Mobile : +33 (0)6 85 22 06 39

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