[openstack-dev] Key Manager blueprint updated

Nate Reller rellerreller at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 24 21:16:07 UTC 2013

Are there differences in the API between the two efforts?  When do you think
you will have an API available for comment?  I saw the intel API on the
blueprint specification, but I am not sure if that is going to change or not. 

> The Intel Key Manager effort (developed on the Openstack mailing list with 
> blueprints) and the Rackspace effort announced last week 
> back  are getting to know each other and collaborate. Early stages.

The volume encryption team is obviously very interested in the key manager.
Please keep us informed of the effort. We would like to know the APIs as soon 
as possible, so we can begin coding to an interface. That will make it easy for
us to transition to a real key manager in future.

> Also need a close partner for using the keys from the Key Manager, the volume
> encryption folks. Or a simpler first use, saving the Nova public certificates
> that are injected into VMs to support ssh.  

Any timeline on when this would happen?

> The only published blueprint is mine, and as good a placeholder for your 
> comments/feedback as any other, or this mailing list.
> A first successful Intel/Rackspace co-operation would be a revised blueprint,
> and sub-blueprints (representing feature coding chunks)
> and publishing a git repository for code and community contributions.


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