[openstack-dev] [Glance] Image Transfer Service Session Summary

John Bresnahan jbresnah at redhat.com
Tue Apr 23 18:05:27 UTC 2013

Image Transfer Service Session Summary

Session goals:
- Begin a discussion about the need for an image transfer service in
- Gather community feedback and direction

Main points and thoughts from the session:
- The notion of a third party transfer is key to this idea
- Nova compute should not be burdened with complicated image transfer
- Image propagation is currently lumped in with storage
- Storage systems and data transfer have distinctly different objects
- A separate image transfer service would benefit OpenStack
- Should the service start as its own project or part of glance?

Action items:
- Define a list of use cases
- Present the use cases to the community
- Schedule time in a Glance weekly meeting to discuss further

Use Cases and further discussion:

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