[openstack-dev] WSGI 'status' page?
Joshua Harlow
harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Mon Sep 10 22:26:35 UTC 2012
Ya, sure, don't make it fully public, but there are ways to restrict Ips
without restricting Ips in wsgi code. Afaik that¹s sort of what yahoo does
for its apache instances, would have been nice if we could have all used
apache + mod_wsgi, oh well. Has anyone had any luck running these services
in apache + mod_wsgi (it'd be cool to take advantage of the apache module
On 9/10/12 3:19 PM, "John Dickinson" <me at not.mn> wrote:
>I'm not sure that a public endpoint with server status is always a good
>idea. Perhaps it could be updated to only respond with stats to a
>particular set of hostnames IP ranges. However, it's dead simple code
>now, so it would be nice to keep the "is alive" check as simple as
>BTW, swift healthcheck middleware is at
>On Sep 10, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
>> Cool, maybe that should be in all projects?
>> It'd be neat to have that give out more than just 200 + 'OK' but 200 +
>> eventlet/wsgi stats as well.
>> Something similar to
>> for wsgi would seem useful in general...
>> On 9/10/12 3:08 PM, "John Dickinson" <me at not.mn> wrote:
>>> Swift comes with a healthcheck middleware used as the first entry on
>>> pipeline. It can be used for the purpose you describe. The middleware
>>> implements the "/healthcheck" endpoint and returns a 200 status code
>>> "OK" in the body.
>>> --John
>>> On Sep 10, 2012, at 3:02 PM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at yahoo-inc.com>
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am looking into how we can load balance across different WSGI
>>>> and I've typically done this by having a load balancer call something
>>>> like a 'status.html' page in apache, which will return 200 + data
>>>> the server to the load balance (ie a artifically generated webpage
>>>> will show the stats about the server and will always return something
>>>> when the server is up). Is there any equivalent in WSGI (or eventlet?)
>>>> that is accessible from the web entrypoint (I know there is a backdoor
>>>> thingy).
>>>> Does anything like that exist as an extension right now, it would seem
>>>> useful to have a page where one could go to to show eventlet stats,
>>>> stats + other stats about the WSGI server that is running in eventlet
>>>> for various reasons (load balancing included). Thoughts/ideas?
>>>> Thx!
>>>> -Josh
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