[openstack-dev] Quantum awareness to VM live migration event
Dan Wendlandt
dan at nicira.com
Tue Oct 30 21:42:08 UTC 2012
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Sasha Ratkovic
<sasharatkovic at juniper.net> wrote:
> Dan,
> This is an example of use of "endpoint" abstraction (with attribute "host" for example). Issuing a "PUT" on this attribute would indicate VM motion (request) and request for port reassignment (quantum response).
> Thanks,
> Sasha
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing here. In this case,
'host' is not a virtual server, but rather the physical host currently
running the virtual server. In Quantum terms, this might be more
generally be called a 'switch', since Quantum can connect logical
devices other than VMs.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Wendlandt [mailto:dan at nicira.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 10:08 AM
> To: Salvatore Orlando
> Cc: OpenStack Development Mailing List (openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Quantum awareness to VM live migration event
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:28 AM, Salvatore Orlando <sorlando at nicira.com> wrote:
>> Hi Irena,
>> I do apologise for not having been more clear.
>> I was wondering if you are planning to extend the Quantum API, besides
>> the module that interfaces nova to quantum, in order to accomodate
>> migration events.
>> At a first glance, I believe this process could be entirely managed
>> using the existing Quantum API, but I have not explored the problem in
>> detail, so I might be missing something.
>> Salvatore
> At the summit, we talked about adding calls to the Quantum admin API for a service to tell Quantum what host a particular port is being placed on (or removed from). This helps solve some of the vif-plugging issues gary was talking about, but could also be seen as a mechanism by which nova could indicate that a port have been removed from one host, and placed on another as a result of a VM migration.
> dan
>> On 30 October 2012 09:20, Irena Berezovsky <irenab at mellanox.com> wrote:
>>> Moving the ongoing discussion to the openstack-dev mailing list
>>> Salvatore,
>>> Thank you for comments.
>>> I would like to add additional methods to quantum API corresponding
>>> the VM migration methods defined at nova/network/api.
>>> I am not sure what do you mean by server side calls to quantum.
>>> Just to be sure how to proceed, shall we create the blueprint for
>>> this task?
>>> Regards,
>>> Irena
>>> On 30 October 2012 08:16, Salvatore Orlando <sorlando at nicira.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Irena,
>>> I am afraid you're correct. VM migration events were not addressed in
>>> the nova-quantum api for Folsom.
>>> We definitely want to add those calls - and help would be extremely
>>> appreciated.
>>> I think the nova-to-quantum API was mostly implemented by Yong - with
>>> some contribution from Dan, me, and other Quantum devs.
>>> Are you planning to add also server-side calls to Quantum for
>>> migration awareness?
>>> Salvatore
>>> On 30 October 2012 08:13, Irena Berezovsky <irenab at mellanox.com> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have troubles to follow the flow of events in case of VMlive migration.
>>> Can I ask you for clarifications?
>>> What I see from the code is that there is no additions to Quantum
>>> API for migration awareness.
>>> At
>>> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/network/quantumv2/
>>> api.py
>>> there is just empty implementation.
>>> Is there an intension to add Quantum API calls for live migration? Is
>>> it only nova related actions? Is some help needed?
>>> I am looking for a way to be aware of live migration at quantum
>>> plugin (due to the need to configure physical server that attached to
>>> the host that hosts VM).
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Irena
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Gary Kotton [mailto:gkotton at redhat.com]
>>> Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:34 AM
>>> To: Irena Berezovsky
>>> Cc: Dan Wendlandt; Salvatore Orlando
>>> Subject: Re: Quantum awareness to VM live migration event
>>> On 10/28/2012 10:27 AM, Irena Berezovsky wrote:
>>> > Hi Dan,
>>> > Thank you very much for your response.
>>> > Salvatore, Gary may I ask few questions regarding this change?
>>> > 1. Is there some blueprint covering support for VM migration calls
>>> > to quantum API (data passed by nova) and DB model changes (if any)?
>>> Not that I am aware of
>>> > 2. Is there some description of VM migration flow from nova
>>> > perspective?
>>> Ditto
>>> > 3. Is it part of Folsom release?
>>> Yes, this should be supported and working.
>>> > 4. Does it handle case when VM Migration fails?
>>> I would hope so.
>>> > 5. As far as I understand, in migrate_instance_finish there is a
>>> > 'dest ' attribute. I believe its destination Physical host UUID. In
>>> > migrate_instance_start there is a 'host' attribute. Is it source
>>> > Physical Host UUID?
>>> I am not familiar with this.
>>> >
>>> > Thank you in advance,
>>> > Irena
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: Dan Wendlandt [mailto:dan at nicira.com]
>>> > Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2012 2:46 AM
>>> > To: Irena Berezovsky
>>> > Cc: Salvatore Orlando; Gary Kotton
>>> > Subject: Re: Quantum awareness to VM live migration event
>>> >
>>> > Hi Irena,
>>> >
>>> > Sorry, just now starting to catch up on email post-summit.
>>> >
>>> > I'm CC'ing Salvatore and Gary, as they are also involved in this, I
>>> > believe.
>>> >
>>> > Salvatore was involved with discussions with Vish and the Nova team
>>> > around the addition of migration hooks to the network api within
>>> > nova,
>>> > see:
>>> > https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/network/api.py#L
>>> > 337
>>> >
>>> > Gary's talk on the summit also touches on this, and would likely
>>> > add the admin calls to the Quantum API that indicate that a port is
>>> > about to be provisioned on a particular physical host (this would
>>> > probably be sent to quantum from nova when a VM is started/stopped, or migrated.
>>> >
>>> > Dan
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Irena
>>> > Berezovsky<irenab at mellanox.com>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >> Dan,
>>> >> Continuing our talk today, please let me know if there is some
>>> >> work about Quantum awareness to VM live migration event (before
>>> >> and after on source and destination nodes).
>>> >>
>>> >> I would lie to be part of it,
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks,
>>> >> Irena
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> > Dan Wendlandt
>>> > Nicira, Inc: www.nicira.com
>>> > twitter: danwendlandt
>>> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Wendlandt
> Nicira, Inc: www.nicira.com
> twitter: danwendlandt
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Dan Wendlandt
Nicira, Inc: www.nicira.com
twitter: danwendlandt
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