[openstack-dev] nova db IRC meetings

David Ripton dripton at redhat.com
Fri Oct 26 20:42:18 UTC 2012

On 10/25/2012 08:54 PM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:

> I spoke with a few folks at the summit who, like me, occasionally lurk
> in #openstack-meeting hoping to see some chatter during the nova-db
> meeting slot. I poked at the room again today and didn't get any
> response. Instead, I had a brief chat with _0x44, who used to lead the
> nova-db meetings. As there seems to be a lot of db-related development
> going on right now, and there was a fair bit of interest at the summit
> in the db-related sessions (no-db-compute, db archiving, db-common,
> and db-integrity), I would like to get weekly meetings about
> DB-related things going again.
> The wiki currently says:
>> Nova-DB team meeting
>> Weekly meetings on Fridays at 00:00 UTC
> This time works out fine for me, so I'll be there next week if anyone
> want to chat about database topics!

Thanks for taking the initiative to get this restarted.  The time works 
for me too, so there should be at least two of us there.

David Ripton   Red Hat   dripton at redhat.com

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