[openstack-dev] [OSSG] OpenStack Security Group Task List
Adam Young
ayoung at redhat.com
Wed Oct 24 13:50:29 UTC 2012
On 10/24/2012 09:13 AM, Mandell Degerness wrote:
> Seriously? There is a security environment where rsync is preferred
> over passwordless ssh? Raw rsync trusts the source that it is the ip
> address and user it says it is with no validation other than the use
> of a low numbered source port.
rsync over ssh. He specifically mentions using passwordless ssh. rsync
is a binary as well as a line protocol, and here it is specifically
using ssh for the file transfer.
> -Mandell Degerness
> On Oct 23, 2012 8:39 PM, "??" <wenjianhn at gmail.com
> <mailto:wenjianhn at gmail.com>> wrote:
> I have implemented a blueprint which solves a security problem
> last month, but didn't push
> the code yet.
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/rysnc-without-ssh
> It's description:
> The disks are copied from source to destination via rysnc over ssh
> during resizing/migrating.
> It means that we will need a password-less ssh private key setup
> among all compute nodes.
> It is a security problem in some environment. This blueprint will
> use rsync itself(not over ssh)
> to copy/delete the disks.
This last line is what, I think, is causing the confusion. I assume
you mean "we will use rsync itself as proof-of-concept until we have
the passwordless ssh solution."
> 2012/10/24 Bryan D. Payne <bdpayne at acm.org <mailto:bdpayne at acm.org>>
> As the OpenStack Security Group (OSSG) begins to take shape,
> we are
> looking to identify what work needs to be done. We have lots of
> things in our heads, but I know others have similar lists in their
> heads as well. I'd like to start this thread to collect security
> related issues for any OpenStack core project. These can be
> things
> with existing bug reports, or things that have just been
> sitting in
> your head without actually making it into a bug report yet.
> The idea is to have a list of problems where it would be
> useful for
> security people to help. I'll start with the following to get us
> going.
> * Fix problems with clients using SSL (see slide 19 of
> http://www.bryanpayne.org/storage/ossg-oct2012.pdf)
> * Start a hardening guide
> * Work with swift team on Swift Message Authentication
> * Work with nova team on Nova RPC signing
> * Work with keystone team on new PKI tokens and related code
> * Work with oslo team on rootwrap code
> * Add a 'SecurityImpact' tag to mark pull requests as needing
> a review
> by someone in OSSG
> Please help us out by replying with your additions.
> Cheers,
> -bryan
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> Best,
> Ivan
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