[openstack-dev] Introducing Synaps project that provides AWS CloudWatch compatible API

Mark McLoughlin markmc at redhat.com
Fri Oct 12 11:53:54 UTC 2012

On Fri, 2012-10-12 at 11:23 +0000, Joonwon Lee wrote:
> Hi, Mark.
> I expect that we need a few weeks for opening Synaps. (maybe early Nov.)
> However, as I completely agree with Mark, I tried my best to find a way. 

Thank you for your efforts

> We're going to send directly the source codes of Synaps to you tomorrow:
>     Mark McLoughlin, Eoghan Glynn, Steve Hardy (Heat developers, Red Hat)
> I hope it will help you deciding the direction next week at the Summit.
> You may see them and ask any questions, but don't make them public yet.
> (Are there other people who want to see our codes first and work with us?)

Actually, I don't think this is such a good idea. If you shared the code
outside Samsung, the license you're sharing it under would not be clear
at this point and if the code doesn't eventually licensed under the
Apache License it potentially could cause legal trouble.


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